For those who love rodents and small animals

Hele Norges nettbutikk for smådyr og gnagere


Velkommen til Gnagerbutikken - Alt du trenger til smådyr

Utforsk vårt brede utvalg av produkter og utstyr for kanin, marsvin, hamster og rotte. Vi tilbyr romslige bur, deilige godbiter, næringsrikt fôr, leker for mental stimulering, og alt annet du trenger for å skape et trygt og trivelig miljø for dine små kjæledyr.

What you need for your rabbit: For a happy and healthy rabbit, you need a spacious cage or safe outdoor space, high-quality hay, fresh vegetables, clean water, pellets in the right amount, a safe place to hide, toys for mental stimulation and a regular routine for attention and care. Explore our rabbit cages here.

What you need for a hamster: Hamsters are small, active pets that thrive in a spacious cage with varied toys. Hamsters are known for their nocturnal nature, so create a quiet and dark space for them to sleep during the day. As they are solitary animals, you should consider keeping only one hamster per cage to avoid conflicts. Explore our hamster cages here.

What you need for a guinea pig: Guinea pigs are social and charming little pets. As an owner, you should be aware of their need for social interaction, and it is recommended to keep two guinea pigs together for company. If you give them a spacious cage with lots of hiding places, they will thrive. Explore our guinea pig cages here.

Hva trenger man til rotte: Rotter er sosiale, intelligente og nysgjerrige kjæledyr som danner sterke bånd med sine eiere. For å gi dem et trivelig hjem, bør du vurdere å holde to eller flere rotter sammen for selskap. Rotter trives i et romslig bur med flere nivåer, tilgjengelige gjemmesteder og lekeområder. Utforsk våre rottebur her.